Friday, February 19

Fancy Smancy (but you're in a bloody chain restaurant)

What is with the sudden influx of people refering to water with lemon as 'lemon water'? In some strange attempt to sound sophisticated, my guests at the restaurant I serve at have been recently asking for 'lemon water' in place of simply asking for water or water with a lemon. Don't get me wrong, it is a cute way and pretty darned effective, but I'm not lying with I say more than one person has been confused about what people were refering to when they made the request.

I work in a middle-class type of restaurant. Sadly, there is probably only one other restaurant in the entire town (although the state calls it a city) I live in that is fancier than ours, but it is none the less a middle-class restaurant. It is also a chained restaurant. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of these things all over the country. We are a casual, family type restaurant.

You are not fooling anybody by asking for Lemon Water. If you want to sound fancy, ask for Pelligrino Lemon Water instead.

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